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Container plants

The collection of container plants contains specimens from nearly every continent: a wide range of proteas from Australia and New Zealand, sclerophyllous plants from the Mediterranean and Asia, and plants from South and Central America. Some of the Mediterranean species (such as fig, pomegranate and citrus trees) are part of an exhibition of Biblical plants, which will be on display in the summer. The Toromiro tree (Sophora toromiro, see the photo), a botanically particularly interesting specimen, is endemic to the Easter Islands. It was believed to be extinct for some time.

All non-hardy container plants spend the winter in the orangery. Its modern control system makes it possible to maintain an optimal temperature depending on daylight conditions. In the morning, the plants are exposed to the natural cold, which supports their healthy growth.

Year of foundation: 1979

Number of taxa/accessions: about 200/about 220


  • Public display collection
  • Conservation of species
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