Non-hardy gymnosperms from the Southern Hemisphere
The collection contains Coniferae and Cycadales from South America, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. With an outstanding composition of specimens of an extraordinarily high quality, it documents the morphological diversity of this group of plants. A third of the species in this collection are listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The plants are regularly used for morphological and systematic studies, and they illustrate continental drift (Gondwana flora, living fossils).
Founder: Prof. Dr. W. Stubbe († 2008)
Year of foundation: 1975
Number of taxa: 57
Number of accessions: 71
- Research
- Public display collection
- Academic teaching
- Conservation of species
- J. Herting & T. Stützel (2020): Morphogenesis of the seed cone of Araucaria araucana (MOLINA) K. KOCH and the evolution of the coniferous seed scale; Flora 273 (2020) 151719.
- Sazzadeh, S. S. (2013): Nicht-winterharte Gymnospermae der Südhemisphäre: Charakterisierung, Bewertung und Entwicklungspotential einer Lebendsammlung des Botanischen Gartens Düsseldorf. BSC-Arbeit, HHU.
- Knopf, P. (2011): Differentialdiagnose und Evolution innerhalb der Podocarpaceae s. l. (Steineibengewächse i. w. S.). Diss. Uni. Bochum
- Jagel, A. (2002): Morphologische und morphogenetische Untersuchungen zur Systematik und Evolution der Cupressaceae s.l. (Zypressengewächse). Diss. Uni. Bochum
- Restemeyer, J. (2002): Morphologische und morphogenetische Untersuchungen zur Phylogenie und Evolution der Podocarpaceae und Phyllocladaceae. Diss. Uni. Bochum